The organizational hierarchy is in organized manner so that it can deliver to the fullest, to achieve the intended goal and the outlined objectives.
- The board of trustees has general oversight over our organization. This body monitors all the activities in our organization which include policy formulation, approving the annual budget, issues to do with finances, etc. They also meet on a quarterly basis to discuss organizational matters.
- The organization’s Executive Director is someone who is action-oriented and always instills a working spirit in all staff. He always makes sure that programs and activities are being laid out efficiently and as effectively as possible. Ensure that the activities implemented are of good quality and relevant to the mission and vision of the organization.
- The organization has currently 6full time staff. And it recruits the volunteers and the internees on a periodical basis
- Organization also recruits community volunteers on a periodical basis and is currently having 20 volunteers who are situated in our target communities and are acting as community mobilizers.